Monday, May 7, 2007


Off she'll go again!

I hate the wait... the counting down of hours... the goodbyes... I would rather just hop on the plane and take off RIGHT NOW. But I gots ta wait!

Six more days till I touch down in Dublin, Ireland... ready to meet my soon to be roomate, Bekah, who I have been chatting with for over three months now! Hopefully she will be there waiting with arms wide open to greet me and two potato hands ( our joke about an Irish version of the critically acclaimed youtube video "banana hands"!!!... if you havent seen it... you can just ignore this comment altogether!) HAHAH certainly there will be more references made in the future...

The plan is to spend a couple days in Dublin before moving to Galway which is on the West coast of the country... I spoke to a women renting a house there and so I am almost 95% certain that she is holding rooms for us to rent this summer... it is a five bedroom house with a garden... a short walk to the town and to the ocean... so fingers crossed it doesnt turn out to be a rat infested dump!

well... I guess I am just gonna have to wait and see (while trying to keep my excitement at bay)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey britt seems like you are having soooo much fun I hope you are still adventuring about I bet it's worth the worries and and the excitment is most likely breath taking looks like you got some down pour same with windsor its gonnnnna be damp for sometime now/

anyways catch up with you laterz
lots of love